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Locating the upstream end of the existing box culvert then removing 900mm diameter pipes and replacing with 1200mm diameter pipes with a concrete stitch joint. Existing flows redirected into the new outfall through two new manholes.
Wainui Road and Stewart Street Stormwater Upgrade in Raglan, Waikato.
We are upgradeing the existing stormwater network including new 300mm, 600mm, 900mm and 1200mm RCRRJ stormwater pipelines including manholes and all works associated with construction. The outcome is to reduce the surface water flooding in the road reserve area and to increase the capacity of the piped network at this location.
Progress (September 2018)
Work is progressing on the upgrade of the Wainui Road stormwater culvert. Problems encountered included deep unstable excavation, multiple services, removal of existing pipes and their timber foundations, bypassing stormwater flows and cleaning up discharges before entering the harbour.